Joffrey: Mavericks of American Dance tells the story of this groundbreaking cultural treasure, known as the first truly American dance company. Narrated by Tony® and Emmy® Award winner Mandy Patinkin and directed by Bob Hercules (Bill T. Jones-A Good Man), the film documents how The Joffrey Ballet revolutionized American ballet by daringly combining modern dance with traditional ballet technique, combining art with social statement and setting ballets to pop and rock music scores.
October 5-8, 2012
Bytowne Cinema, Ottawa, ON Canada
-July 20-26, 2012
Landmark Globe Cinema, Calgary, AB Canada
-July 25-26, 2012
Cinecenta-University of Victoria, Victoria BC Canada
-July 27-August 2, 2012
Landmark Globe Cinema, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
July 27-31st 2012
Bloor Hotdocs Cinema, 506 Bloor St. W, Toronto, ON Canada
Friday July 27th at 3:30pm
Friday July 27th at 8:45pm
Saturday July 28th at 6:30pm
Sunday July 29th at 6:30pm
Monday July 30th at 6:45pm
Tuesday July 31st at 9:45pm
Joffrey: Mavericks of American Dance weaves a wealth of rare archival footage and photographs along with interviews featuring former and current Joffrey star dancers, showing the full history of the Company from its founding to the present. It describes how the Joffrey repeatedly resurrected itself after devastating financial and artistic setbacks and introduced cutting-edge choreographers such as Twyla Tharp, Laura Dean and Margo Sappington to larger audiences.
The film features rare excerpts from many seminal Joffrey works including Astarte, Trinity and Billboards, as well as breakthrough collaborations with choreographers Twyla Tharp (Deuce Coupe), Kurt Jooss (The Green Table) and Leonide Massine (Parade).
Featuring: Kevin McKenzie, Helgi Tomasson, Lar Lubovitch, Ashley C. Wheater, Gary Chryst, Trinette Singleton, Anna Kisselgoff, Adam Sklute, Christian Holder, Dermot Burke, Paul Sutherland, Francoise Martinet, Brunilda Ruiz, Jonathan Watts, Diane Consoer, Sasha Anawalt, Fabrice Calmels, and Hedy Weiss.